Friday, August 24, 2012

The Campaign

Seen in the theater for the first time in August 2012.

I did not like this as much as I expected to. There were some very funny moments with big belly laughs. The campaign ads and debates were some of the funniest stuff. But there was a lot of pandering clunky humor as well, and some overall poorly executed comedy.

Specifically, the bit with the lords prayer went on too long and wasn’t that funny to me. The big trailer moments like Will Ferrell punching the baby also felt forced and contrived. The jokes with the Asian maid ended up botched in execution. Her speaking in an old southern black lady accent was hilarious. Her explanation for that accent and her righteousness was not. It was embarrassing. Not funny. Same with her service of the subpoena at the end. By the time she opens the door the audience knows it is going to be her speaking with the crude mexican accent, and the subsequent righteousness was just cringe-worthy.

There was a lot of good too, however. Dylan McDermott was great. Just an unexpected and superb comedic performance from that guy. Possibly funnier than either Ferrell or Galifinackis. The leads were also great and all of the major supporting characters were perfect. I really liked the lead villains being played the same as the lead villains from Trading Places as well.

Overall though, there were too many uncomfortable, corny, righteous moments. I don’t think political views mix with comedy too well, even political views I agree with. I also think straight up didactic righteousness also does not mix with comedy well. The Candidate had too much of both. I feel like it was close to an amazing movie but for these seriously tone-destroying missteps. Grade B-.

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